The 4 Stages of Culture Shock  Living abroad can be an exhilarating by Participate Learning Global Perspectives Archive
The 4 Stages of Culture Shock Living abroad can be an exhilarating by Participate Learning Global Perspectives Archive

The 4 Stages of Culture Shock Living abroad can be an exhilarating by Participate Learning Global Perspectives Archive

Like, because now you have to now you have to kind of like make an effort, you know? Now it’s like, oh, you’re going back to you’re going back to the old times. So much happens, like, and then they see you on Instagram, and they think that you are you know, living your best life or whatever. What do you think that I had to do was talk to people who knew that version of myself. And kind of like, just hot lithuanian girl just to hear from them who she was. I enjoy people being around me are people who are comfortable with themselves, people who who know what they want. And I mean, you have to know that crystal clear, but it has some kind of outline of it.

If you are keeping busy and being productive, you have less time to sit around and feel lonely or homesick. If you used to enjoy going for a morning walk to get coffee, ask around to see if there is a nice park nearby to continue your routine.

  • And that’s a key sign to me of not being self aware.
  • You’re unsure of the customs, and you don’t speak the language well.
  • Programs & Courses Programs Innovative study abroad and internship experiences in global cities.
  • In addition to our tips on this list, consider trying to spend some time engaging in mindfulness activities to get in touch with yourself.
  • So I’m here and I’m doing that and it’s perfect.

For instance, many cultures can be broken down based on their approach to rules and regulations. Anglophone or Germanic cultures, on the one hand, value structure and order, with an approach that often focusses on practical matters and just getting things done. On the other hand, Mediterranean cultures tend to prize relationship building and ad hoc approaches to problem-solving. It’s easy to see how frictions could arise if a government official speaks to you in an overly direct way or if a bartender seems to be taking too much time conversing with every customer. PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Near Wilshire and Bundy. Must understand MS Office/Windows and social media. Please send short cover letter and one page resume to Hourly Pay, based on experience.

The Honeymoon Stage

Things look great from a distance that might not be as wonderful if you were there. Your friends are likely looking at your social media too and marveling at your great adventure.

Incoming Students

Invite your coworkers or classmates out for a meal or a drink, or if you’re the culinary type, invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Remember that other foreigners are in the same boat as you, and will almost always be grateful for some new friends and companionship. And locals will usually be excited to show you the ropes of their hometown, so don’t be afraid to ask. You never know who may end up being your new best friend. The best way to combat homesickness and loneliness is to make new friends. A relaxing dinner out with friends and a few glasses of wine is a great way to pick up your spirits while getting a better feel for your new surroundings at the same time. Homesickness is commonly experienced by people who spend time abroad.

The Frustration Stage

Some students might experience homesickness within the first few days or weeks of being abroad, while others might not be hit by homesickness until later on, or closer to the holidays. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, family events or even family illness or death can all cause you to feel homesick, or make you wish you were at home. Also, many students report increased feelings of homesickness during the winter months when darkness, rainy weather and the cold can lead to feelings of depression. Even though it may be challenging to think about your life back home, it’s crucial not to neglect your relationships with your family and friends.

Take photos of your new home and show them to your family back home. Explain why you love these photos and what they mean to you.

You might be facing a language barrier, feel like you are not on the same academic level as other students, or be lonely without your home friends around you each day. Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience filled with adventure and growth, but it can also come with its challenges. One of the most common struggles faced by students who pursue study abroad courses is homesickness, missing friends and family back home, and feeling disconnected from familiar surroundings.

For many students, arriving in a new place can be both exciting and anxiety-producing. This may be a common reaction for any student moving to a new community.

I’m your host Anya Cherrice, Founder of Homesickness Culture, former expat and lifelong immigrant and infrequent digital nomad. This is a totally normal reaction because you are still adjusting yourself to something that’s outside of your everyday norm. It is equally important to continue to remain active during times of increased stress. Remember to get out of your residence regularly by going on walks, visiting places around town, and attending campus events of interest. Remember that you have gone through stressful times before and survived.

Even small things like washing my face or washing dishes were put off. Instead, we canceled our plans and I spent the day messaging back and forth with our remote host in the UK. And looking for new Airbnb’s in case the power didn’t get turned on. However, we didn’t arrive in SE Asia until the end of October 2019. So we basically reached that 3-month mark on a bit of a delay because we spent so much of our summer visiting friends and family.

But we can also experience culture shock, or a feeling of disorientation in a new place. In this lesson, we’ll talk about some coping skills for culture shock. Some people find it impossible to accept the foreign culture and to integrate. They isolate themselves from the host country’s environment, which they come to perceive as hostile, withdraw into an “ghetto” and see return to their own culture as the only way out. This group is sometimes known as “Rejectors” and describes approximately 60% of expatriates. These “Rejectors” also have the greatest problems re-integrating back home after return. What is it like being a sojourner in a foreign country?

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